It’s Official! The Foreclosure Moratorium Is Set To End June 30, 2021. If You Weren’t Aware Of Such Now You Might Be Thinking…. “What Are My Options When The Mortgage Forbearance Comes To An End?”

In This
Article You Will Learn 6 Options You Have To Help You Your Home & Prepare For The End Of TheYes! The real estate market is HOT right now! Especially for homeowners preparing to sell a property, have equity in their property, or have the means to afford their monthly mortgage payment. However, not enough attention is being directed towards homeowners who are still being challenged by the realities of the global pandemic. Many of which still do not have jobs, are relying on government assistance or still don’t have the means to keep up with their mortgage payments.

Under the CARES Act, homeowners with conventional, FHA, VA, or USDA loans could request an initial loan forbearance for up to six months. They were also given the opportunity to request a six-month extension, for up to one year of total forbearance. This means homeowners who were approved for forbearance plans early in 2020 are nearing the end of their forbearance periods. As of right now the nation’s forbearance period is scheduled to end June 30, 2021. In other words at the end of the forbearance period your lender will expect a lump sum payment of the payments that were missed during that period. Unless you take action today.
In this FREE guide you’ll learn the best option for YOU! Whether you want to keep your property or sell after all of your missed mortgage payments. These are all actions you can take by yourself without having to hire a third party company or attorney to assist you. All six options will be depends on your lenders willingness, your current finances, employment status, and ability to resume mortgage payments.
- Learn how to work with your lender to keep your home once the forbearance period is over
- Learn how to possibly lower your monthly mortgage payment & extend the term of your loan
- Learn how to possibly repay your missed payments overtime instead of one lump sum
- Learn how to sell your property if you have little, none or negative equity WITHOUT paying out of pocket expenses to a realtor
If you’re goal is to keep your home after the mortgage forbearance comes to an end provide the requested information below.
You’ll INSTANTLY have FREE access to 6 different ways to work with your lender to keep your home!